The Lion and the Mouse

The lion and the mouse
One day a lion was asleep in a cave in the Woods when a mouse ran across his face. The lion woke up and caught the mouse between his paws.
“Please don’t kill me,” said the mouse “let me live, and someday I will do a favor.”
The lion didn’t believe that a little animal like a mouse could ever help him, but the mouse looked so small and so weak that the lion said to him: “even though I am a very large an Important animal, I am a very kind. I won’t kill you. I am going to let you go.”
Then the lion put the mouse down on the ground, and the mouse ran away.
Many weeks after that, the mouse saw some men putting nets in different places in the woods to catch lions. The next morning the mouse though he heard someone calling for help. When he stopped his work to listen, he knew that it was the lion’s voice.
“I will go to him at once, “though the mouse. “Now I can do him a favor.”
 The mouse ran through the woods looking for the lion. Finally he found him caught in one of the men’s nets.
“Help me” shouted the lion. These men have caught me, and they will kill me if you don’t do something quick.”
“I have to come help you” said the mouse.
“But what can an animal as small as you are do?” Asked the lion “Just wait a minute and you will see” answered the mouse “I will be able to help you.”
Then the mouse began to cut the net with his sharp teeth. Soon there was a hole big enough for the lion to walk through.
When the lions was out of the net, the mouse said to him, “now I have paid for you for the favor you did for me”

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